Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Good Word...

Psalm 33:13-22 (The Message)
From high in the skies God looks around,
He sees all Adam's brood.
From where He sits He overlooks all us earth-dwellers.
He has shaped each person in turn;
Now He watches everything we do.

No king succeeds with a big army alone,
No warrior wins by brute strength.
Horsepower is not the answer;
No one gets by on muscle alone.

Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect (fear) Him,
The ones who are looking for His love.
He's ready to come to their rescue in bad times;
In lean times He keeps body and soul together.

We're depending on God; He's everything we need.
What's more, our hearts brim with joy
Since we've taken for our own His Holy Name.
Love us God, with all You've got--that's what we're depending on.

Camden Update

Here is the lastest pic of Camden (and big sister, Mallory) just after he and his mom & dad arrived back home from Dallas, TX to see Dr. Fearon at the Craniofacial Center. Thank you for your prayers for safe travel.
All in all the appointment went great. Cam's surgery will be scheduled for the first of January. He will be 4months old then.
As you see from this pic, Camden looks great! He is growing and smiling now. He is almost 2 months old.
His front soft spot continues to close up quicker than it should. You can not tell from this picture, but his little head continues to grow elongated.
Thank you for your love and prayer support.
God is good ALL the time! All the time God is good!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Embrace Your Trial

As some of you know (and have prayed for us, called, and sent encouraging emails), Warren and I are going through a job related trial.

The scripture tells us in James 1:2-4 "to consider it a sheer gift when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (The Message)

Some of the gifts God is giving us in this trial is spiritual insight, increased faith, and a nearness to Him. Truly we can say there is no better place to be!

Last week as Warren and I prayed separately about our situation, we came together and shared with each other what the Lord was speaking to our hearts. I shared with Warren that I believed the Lord was instructing me to "embrace" this trial and not to resent or resist it - that God was certainly able to show us His glory and grace in it. Warren shared back with me that this was exactly what God was speaking to his heart. If we resent and resist this trial, we would limit the Good Hand of God to work in a mighty way in our lives.

We made the choice to embrace this trial and accept the cut in salary with anticipation in seeing just how the Lord will provide and direct us. The Lord reminded us that three years earlier (when Warren retired from Rosemount) He had already made the provision for our finances for this lean time. Warren had some growing money left from his 41K that he had not rolled over to another account and was able to pull it out and rest it in our bank account. Thank you, Lord.

I was also reminded of what a relative shared with us over 24 years ago when we were struggling with the desire to send our children to a Christian school knowing we just did not have the means to do so, or so we thought. His words changed our thinking and broadened our faith. Robert M. told us: "Don't you know that God has the provision before the need!"

Warren has been at his National Sales Meeting since Sunday. He and the big boss had an opportunity to dialogue and of course his salary cut came up. Warren sincerely told him that he was cool with it and that we felt God has a plan in this for us. This boss told Warren that he did not want to lose him and that if need be his salary would not be cut until Warren was ready! Thank you, Lord.

We have chosen to continue walking in faith with the pay cut, knowing that God is going to provide for us through the higher level of commission. Since last week, Warren has seen some big orders coming in and others pending. We believe that this has all been in God's timing and His blessing and provision for us.

I believe the BEST part about all of this is that we are learning how to walk in/through a trial "counting it all joy"and truly experiencing the Mind of Christ. Added to this is the joy of you, the Body of Chirst, who have loved and encouraged us in pray. We are indeed grateful for you in our lives.

The Lord has NEVER let us down. He has ALWAYS been FAITHFUL!
God is good ALL the time. ALL the time God is good.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Romance Verses Love

Joni Eareckson Tada has a way with words, such insight into scripture, and expresses it so practically. Could this be because of her total dependance upon the Lord. Her writings display "God's way of thinking" which I call wisdom from above.

Here is a devotional that was on Joni and Friends Daily Devotional this morning.

"This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another." 1 John 3:11
The romance has gone out of my marriage. Instead, there is love. Romance used to say, "I'll do absolutely anything for you," but love does a step further and says, "Yes, and I'll prove it."

Romance is fleeting, but love is long.
Romance is flying, but love is a safe landing.
Romance seeks perfection, but love forgives faults.
Romance anguishes as it waits for the phone to ring to bring a voice that says sweet things,
but love is the anguish of waiting for a call that assures you someone else is safe and happy.
Romance is suspense, anticipation and surprise,
but love is dependability.
Romance is dancing in the moonlight, gazing deep into desired eyes,
but love is saying, "Your're tired, honey, I'll get up this time."
Romance is delicious, but love nourishes.

Loving another person like this is a surefire way to become more like Jesus. Move past the romance, the feeling of living on the edge, move past the delicious emotions, and nourish another person with real and lasting love.

Lord, I can see that this kind of love will wage unrelenting war against my selfcenteredness. Help me to lose myself in loving You and in loving others. May I move past romance and begin laying my life love.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What are blue angels??

Here they are the official

as seen at the 2007 Air Show in Muskogee, OK

(Todd M. this post and photoshow are for you! Wish you could have been with us.)

The Blue Angels are the U.S. Navy stunt flight team. The jets flew and manuvered on a perfect, sunny Saturday. The six blue-and-yellow F/A-18 Hornets lined up on the runway facing the crowd. Air whistled through their engines as the pilots prepared for take-off.

People in the crowd shaded their eyes against the afternoon sun to get a good look. As the jets began rolling, the landscape behind them was turned into a shimmering mirage by the hot exhaust.

Once in the air, the Blue Angels treated the crown to a wide variety of graceful formations and dramatic maneuvers. People craned their necks to follow the action. There was thunder in the sky, despite clear weather and a light breeze.

The Army's award-winning skydiving team, the Golden Knights, also performed at the Air Show as did other air craft.

It was quite a show!

What a spectacular day

we had with our grandson,

Parker B.!

To see more pics of our spectacular day click on:

Sticky Chicken Recipe....

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GOOD! At least it sounds delicious and the reviews are good! Check it out at:

I will make this recipe soon. I also thought I would pass on one of my favorite recipe sites: .

Check it out. You will find some good, healthy recipes here.

For a free "chicken" coloring page for the kiddos, click on this link: . (Just print out the coloring page on your printer.)
Happy cooking and coloring!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall in Oklahoma

Still waiting on the leaves to turn red, yellow, and orange!
But we do have pumpkins and hay bales!
I have tried for 3 days to upload a pic on Blogger, but have been unsuccessful:(
So I will direct you to my new photoshow with fall family pics!

Click on the link below and enjoy our Fall Fam Pics in OK!

Look Who is "Star-tastic!"

Parker B.
for the Character Trait of

At his school assembly today, Parker was awarded the Star of the Month Certificate for Responsibility. We are so proud of you and the Star Effort you are showing in responsibility! Way to go, Grandson!

Granddaughter, Mallory B received the 3.0 Culb award. That means she received all "A's" & "B's" on her Report Card this first nine weeks.

Way to go, Granddaughter!

Keep up the Good Work and Effort!
We are so proud of you!

Parker received the 3.0 Club award too!
Way to go Park!

"It is by his deeds that a child distinguishes himself if his conduct is pure and right." Proverbs 20:11 (NAS)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkins, Pumpkins...


Oh, what fun to grow a pumpkin patch for the grandchildren!

The gkids planted a Pumpkin Patch during Cousin Camp week in July.

Each grandchild picked out their pumpkin from the garden
and had a grand ole time painting it!
Thank you, Lord, that there were just enough for each grandchild!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall in Iowa

The leaves are just gorgeous in Iowa now. Not so yet in Oklahoma.
I was told we have not had enough cold nights!
To view more fall pics of Todd, Jenny, & Abbie click on the link below.
Enjoy our joys!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Gorgeous Weather!

It is rainy and dreary here today (and suppose to be the rest of the week). We are thankful that God gave us gorgeous weather for our campout! It was good to get away for a few days. The War Eagle Craft Fair was a busy place with LOTS of people. Thankfully, some new friends we met at the campsite told us to go early (7:30 a.m.) and we would NOT get in a long line of traffic trying to get to the mill. We took there advice and had a nice drive and a nice experience. When we left (about 3 hours later) the traffic to get to the mill was backed up about 3 miles. There is basically one way in and one way out!
Here is Warren by our Jay Feather Lite Camper. To the left of him is a drop off to a dirt road that leads to Beaver Lake. Friday night was really cold and we did use our heater. Saturday night was warmer, although, we did hear strong winds rushing through the tops of the trees most of the night.

Here I am at the camp office. This was a nice RV park as for as needing a place to stay for a night or two, but we prefer more of a wooded campsite with some distance between sites especially when we bring the grandchildren along.

One more picture. This is a dock on Beaver Lake, a really beautiful, clear lake.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just the Two of Us...

having a get-away weekend.

We are campers - RV campers, that is! This weekend we will be headed to Beaver Lake Hideaway Campground in Rogers, Arkansas. We have never camped there before so hope it is a real nice place! Our RV has a heater so with the night time temps getting into the 50/60's we should be toastie warm!

On Saturday you will find us at War Eagle Mill, a working water powered grist mill. We have been here before but this time it will be with over 100,000 other people!

Yes, we are just a little CRAZY!

This weekend (18th-21st) is their Annual Fall Craft Fair. It's a "have never been, but always wanted to" kind of thing! There will be acres and acres of craft booths set up. We are really going for the EXPERIENCE NOT for the buying!

There is alot of history here. You can read about it (if you are interested) by clicking the link below:

I purchase (online) organic milled grains from here (real oatmeal, flax meal, corn mill, etc). It's good stuff and good for you too!

Warren and I are looking forward to a time away (just the two of us) to think, plan, and pray concerning God's plan for us as we jouney into the next season of life.

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10a

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Writer in the Family

"Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!"
Luke 12:48 (The Message)

Our granddaughter, Katelin (like her mother) has a gift for writing and expression. You will find her often at the computer working on a story or typing a poem. Check out her recent poem she wrote for a classroom assignment.

Not long ago a tragedy occurred.
A plot was made,
One that nobody heard.

Six years ago,
Two planes flew by.
People paid no attention,
They thought it was natural for planes to fly.

Then it happened.
Was scary, it still is,
To think that it could
When nobody expected.

Planes and tower collided,
People screamed.
The building fell down,
Nobody would have dreamed.

But people lived,
And yet some died.
But heroes saved people,
And for them I have pride.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Last Piece of Pie...

...from Warren's Homemade Chocolete Pie is ALL gone now! (An old family recipe that his momma used to make!)

Warren was sweet enough to share half of it with me. MMMMMMMMMM, it was sooooooooooo good! Of course it was not on our "Watch Your Calories" menu, but it was on our "Special Occasion" menu!!

We have been celebrating Warren's 60th BD since the first of October. First in Kansas City, MO with Todd, Jenny, & Abbie and then this past weekend at Incredible Pizza with the Bledsoe's and Schubert's.

You can view his Birthday PhotoShow by clicking on the URL below:

"Gray hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God-loyal life." Proverbs 16:31 (The Message)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Neenee, I Need You!

As you have read in a previous post, last week I kept four of the Schubert grandchildren.
I want to share with you a story about my 3 yr. old grandson Bo. The last night he was here he had a rough night sleeping! At about 2:30 a.m. I was awakened by his loud cry:
"Neenee, I need you, Neenee, I need you"! Warren did not even hear him! Our bedroom is on the other side of the house from the 2 other bedrooms (the livingroom, kitchen, and laundry room are between them).
I heard Bo and quickly went to him; asking him what was the matter. Still in his bed sitting up, he told me that he was scared and that his legs hurt! So I laid down beside him reassuring him and rubbing his weary, little legs to help relax the muscles.

Awakened now, the Lord had my attention, so I prayed and meditated on this occurance in the night hours. What was the Lord wanting me to know/see? Here is what came to my mind:
In the darkest of night, the scariest of night, the most painful of night, Lord you are there!
When I cannot see around me what is going on that causes me fear and pain, Lord, You are there!
All I need to do is cry out to You: "Lord, I need You, Lord, I need You!" (Just like Bo cried out for me.) And in that instant, You, O Lord, are there to comfort my heart and soul with your grace and peace. (Just like when I heard Bo's cry for help and came immediately.)
And just like the Lord will do, He confirmed this meditation of my heart today in His Word. Psalm 18: 6 (The Message)
A hostile world! I call to GOD,
I cry to God to help me.
From His palace He hears my call;
My cry brings me right into His presence -- a private audience!
Remember today that
Jesus is your Advocate -- cry out to Him for help!
He is ALWAYS THERE READY to meet your NEEDS!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Saviour & Lord

Katelin and Parker were baptized this Sunday morning.

Click on the link below to see their baptism pics.

We rejoice in their salvation!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Bubbles, Sand, & Words!

What do these words have in common?


Riley & Kass enjoy a real BUBBLE bath!

Do you remember making SAND castles?
Riley & Kass are quite the creators when it comes to designing one.

And then those oh so sweet 3 WORDS (from Bo):
"Neenee, I whuv oo", that makes any lack of sleep or tiredness worth it all!

Lord, thank you for giving us BUBBLES, SAND, & sweet WORDS to cause us to see life anew and fresh and pure!

Click on the link below to see a few more sand & bubble pics!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

His Day is HERE!

Just a short blog entry today for I need to go and make a pie...a homemade, favorite chocolete pie that is!

It is Warren's 60th Birthday, today! He truly has just gotten better over the years! I am thankful that God allowed him to be apart of my life and given him 60 years!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Warren, my forever sweetheart and friend!
I love you forever and a day, me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Week Spent at Neenee's

Not only am I learning how to do this blog thing, but I am also caring for 4 of the Schubert grandchildren:) I think the blog thing is a diversion from a very busy, scheduled day!

Warren is also out of town this week so I have the time to sit and blog during naptime and bed time. I am sure there are other things I need to do or should do, but I really sit and rest when I blog. I am not a TV watcher and I can't go to sleep until late when Warren is out of town anyway. So I might as well blog!

I have been caring for R, K, B, & D since Sunday. Kelley needed some help in watching the children since this was the week they get rid of their chicken layers. They will have 3 weeks without chickens before they start up with new ones the first of Nov. Tanner had to stay behind this time. He is playing flag football and has 2 practices and games this week. So he is getting some real special time with mom and dad.

Below you can view a photoshow of my week. It has been busy and fun! The Pumpkin Patch was planted by the grandchildren during "Cousin Week". So it has been fun to watch them pick out their pumpkins!

I hope to figure out how to publish a video soon. I have the cutest one of Bo!

A Week Spent at Neenee's

Make a PhotoShow Full Size

Kansas City Memories

You may have already viewed my KC Memories' photoshow that I posted last night - WELL, I have already deleted it and posted a new photoshow with MORE pics! So please view it again. I did figure out how to post my photoshows and to start and stop the music - set it to no autoplay - so you can click on the start and stop icon yourself!

SMART, uh!! This lady has a few noodles left in the old noggin! ALSO, if you want to view any of my photoshows in a larger size all you need to do is click on the words "Full size" and it will take you to another screen to view it. I definitely like the larger viewing size! I see more detail this way OR maybe it is just my older eyes!!

Thanks for enjoying my joys!

Kansas City Memories

Make a PhotoShow Full Size

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Giving it a try...again!

Well, I think I am finally getting the "know how" to start this blog or maybe I should say the courage to! I started it a year ago but got no where! I finally found it on my computer and was even able to find my password to open the thing! I am trying again and we will just see how it goes.

I have been encouraged to do this simply by viewing and reading 3 of my nieces blogs (G, M, & S). They are quite the bloggers! And I have so enjoyed reading theirs and seeing their family pics and keeping in touch!

Thanks girls, you did not even know this, did you?!! I will take all the help I can get!

So here I go...

Last weekend we met Todd, Jenny, and Abbie in Kansas City, MO - the half way point between Skiatook, OK and Marion, IA. Not counting the video cam, we have not seen each other since July 4th. We had a GRAND weekend! Our granddaughter, Mallory Bledsoe, was able to make the trip with us. She could not wait to see all her cousins! Kelley and her 5 children also came up for the day.

We had a good ole cousin time at Carolyn's Country Cousin Pumpkin Patch! The weather was great and the cousins did a lot of running around out side, hayride, making ragdolls and buttons, mining for gold, pig racing, and big slides to name a few!

Thank you, Lord, for such a great, fun, memory making kind of day!

We had to say good bye to Kelley and her boys, but Riley and Kassidy got to stay with us (in the motel) and have some more bonding time with cousin's Mallory and Abbie. They swam in the pool, ate at the Train Resturant (where your food is brought to you on an electric miniture train - REALLY! - pretty cool place!), ran and played in the fountains, and just had some girl cousin fun together!

Well, I was going to post just a few of the 227 pics I took this weekend, but I am having problems doing it. So I will try again later. I want to see if I can publish this blog!

Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!