Monday, July 06, 2009

Yes, I can milk a goat...

and here's the proof:)

A couple of weekends ago hubby and I went to Missouri to keep the Schubert gkids while their mom and dad went on a short fun trip. The gkids all showed us how they milk their goat.

This brought back memories of going to my Grandmother Ingram's farm in McCool, Mississippi as a child. My sister and I would rise early with grandmother and go with her to:
--pick the eggs (and hope we did not find a snake in the nest!)
--throwing out feed for the chickens
--herding (walking) the cows to the pasture
--try to milk a cow
--ride their mule, Ole Blue (loved this)
--slop the pigs
--make homemade banana ice cream turning the crank by hand
--try to drink raw milk (I don't like raw milk to this day)
--eat the best home cooking you can imagine
--watch grandmother ring a chicken's neck & pluck it so we could have the best fried chicken for supper or lunch or breakfast!
--walk to the spring & dip up a large bucket of water to carry back to the house (she had no running water in the house at this time)
--use the bathroom in the out house with Sears & Robuck as toilet paper (really)
--playing the old foot pump organ
--sweeping the floor with her homemade straw broom
--watching grandmother quilt & when finished for the day raising the quilt frame back up to the ceiling of the big bedroom to keep it out of the way
--playing checkers with grandmother by the big fire place in her and granddad's bed room (the only souce of heat in the house, except for the kitchen when she cooked on the wood stove
--walking through the woods to the pond to go fishing or swim
--taking a bath in a large black kettle that sat on firewood - that's how the water was heated by a fire underneath the kettle - yes, the fire was put out before we got in to take a bath - which was not that often!
--chasing the wild farm cats
--help pick veggies out of her garden
--making mud pies by the BIG stump with my cousins
-- picking musketimes...mmmmmmmm so good!
-- smelling the good country air
-- grandmother's homemade snickerdoodle cookies -- the best!
-- left over from scratch biscuits from breakfast - we made peanut butter sandwiches out of them for a snack -- the best!

Then there were the chuch socials - we would walk down the gravel, dirt road to the church and gather for a group pot luck meal - talk about delicious home cooking - you can only imagine! many good memories...I could keep going...but I will stop for now. Childhood is such a special time in our lives.

Okay, back to milking a see more pics and a video click on this link:

To find the video you might have to click on the video icon to see my videos. Enjoy and sit back and think about all your good childhood memories.


Shelby said...

love this pic of you milking a goat! and loved the update of cousin camp! my little guy and his cousin nate are having their own version of "cousin camp" with my parents this week in WV.. actually, i have called it "camp grandmas!" my parent's church is having a VBS via a Back Yard Bible School set up so they are taking the boys to that and coming up with fun activities in the evening. i know they will have fun, but i also know my parents will be worn out! I'm also missing him A LOT!!!

Jenny M said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! Sometimes when I think of the childhood things, i am like you, keeps on going going and going..

kathylovemeyer said...

Shelby, time with gparents are such important, memorable times for both and also bridges the 2 generations on each side:) I luv having all the cousins (gkids)over and together and making long lasting is SO important. The older one gets the more he/she realizes this.
So far my gkids look forward to this every year and the little ones (4 and under) can't wait to be able to come.
Yes it is tiring, BUT I wouldn't trade that kind of tired for anything! I know I am investing important values, love, time in the lives of my gkids and the future! God is Good to give strength and joy...I see this as a ministry...a call on my invest in my gkids!

Shelby said...

you are so right.. i cherish the memories i have of my grandparents and count it a double blessing that stone gets to have so much fun with both sets of his grandparents all the time! he's having a blast (save for missing me at night time) and I know the rest of the week will go by quickly!

Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!