Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm a Big Girl Now...

I have to post a little story about our almost 3 year old gdaughter.  We were chatting at the table and our conversation went like this:

Savannah:  "I'm not a baby, I'm a BIG girl now!" (she said this because she got to sit in a regular chair instead of her highchair).

Neenee:  "Yes, you are a Big girl!  And big girls obey their mommy and daddy...that's how I can tell you are a big girl now!

Savannah quickly responds:  I'm a little girl!

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Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!