Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Come to my aide...

Some have already (with myself included) determined that my blog name now needs to change...since we are having GRANDbaby #14 (which will no longer be a baker's dozen -13).

As you can see I have already updated the name to "A Baker's Dozen + One" for now, BUT in Novemeber after gbaby 14 comes I want to change my blog name to one that best reflects me having 14 gchildren.

So far of the names that have been submitted...these 3 I like:
"Fantastic Fourteen"
"Two Touchdowns"
"a Quiver Full" (Ps. 127: 3-5)

Please help me in coming up with and choosing a name for my blog:)
Just email me your name choice(s) or make a comment on my blog.
There will be a prize for whomever name choice I choose:)
So put your thinking caps on!
I will list the ones I like on my blog as they come in.

Thanks for you help!

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Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always remember...faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!