Thursday, September 18, 2008

Moving Day...

for Todd and Jenny
The movers moved all the boxes and furniture into their house on Monday 15th.
They had been living in their house since the closing on Wednesday the 10th!
They will slowly but surely get all unpacked and settled in.
What a delight to have them back in Oklahoma:)

Abbie says, "Welcome to my house and my yard!"

"Come see me and roll in the grass!"
"My new house."
"Hey, come on in!"

"Boxes, boxes...EVERYWHERE!"

"Hey, granddad, will you do a puzzle with me?"

"Mom is whipping up some supper."

"Here is my little sister, Savannah."

"I just love it here.
Come see me sometime!"

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Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!