Monday, June 30, 2008

My garden is producing...

Below is a pic of some of the first fruits of my garden. I have much more tomatos since I took this pic. This is the first year that I planted a grape tomato plant...and it is growing and producing very well. I will plant more of this next year. The Roma tomato plant (also a first time planting) is growing and producing but I do not like the way these taste, so probably will not plant this again. Thie Big Boy and Celebrity tomatos are doing great.

The green beans(although small plants) are doing well - but not as well as last years. I froze quite a few of last years green bean crop.

We continue to eat the lettace out of the garden. It's nice to have a salad with one's own lettace and tomatos. When I want a salad I just go out and pull up some lettace! We also had turnip greens and cornbread for a meal recently. There is just enough left in the garden to have one more meal of this...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...we love 'em! Just wish the garden had produced more. I'll try again next spring.

I have decided to NOT plant any more squash or zuchinni. No matter what I do, the stink, squash bugs kill them and their fruit. Only picked one funny looking small zuchinni the other day...that's out of 6 hills of plants. These plants produce...but then the fruit begins to turn yellow and shrivel up before they get very big. Ugh:(

I am getting some onions, but not as many as I planted. They just got too much rain this year.

I will just have to buy fresh butterbeans at a farmers market since mine just did not make this year. The bell pepper plants are doing great, so I will freeze most of these and cook them in a roast or chicken. My carrots are doing fairly well too, except they are growing too close together so they do not get that big, but the gkids sure do love picking them:)

My dad could always garden and had beautiful gardens to prove it with lots of produce. I should have paid closer attention to what and how he did it. last thing...the weeds are growing beautifully! UGH:( Wish I could get a handle on them...they grow so fast and just take over before you know it if you let them...a spiritual lesson here for sure:)

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Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!