Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sunday Night's Rain Storm

We woke up Sunday night about 2:30 am to a HEAVY, WINDY rain storm.

We did not think too much about it even though when I looked out our bedroom window I could see the canopy on our gazebo whipping around violently. I also saw that Warren had brought in all the cushions to our wicker furniture inside before going to bed. I was so glad about that!

I told him the couch had move out from the house. He told me he had moved it out a little when he brought the cushions in. He did not look so did not see that the couch had moved quite a bit on our patio, but I took him at his word and laid back down to go to sleep.

It was raining really hard so I (we) did not want to go out and rescue the canopy - just figured that if it blew off that would be that...and maybe we would find it in the yard somewhere in the morning!

I thought to myself...if there is a tornado...the siren would go off and we would hear it since it is close to our house...I did not hear anything but wind and I went back to sleep until morning.

Warren then looked out the window and saw what I saw at 2:30 am...the couch in the middle of our patio. He said he did not move it that far...and the canopy was twisted around the top of the gazebo. Further investigating...he saw that our side wooden fence had been blown down and our pool was so full that it topped the skimmer!

I guess we had quite a strong, swirling wind come up...doing the damage. We were very thankful that was all the damage and we were all right.

The pics below show the wind damage:

You are looking into our neighbor's yard. That's my garden...which you can see is not doing so well...water logged from all the rain...although the WEEDS are growing GREAT! UGH!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Oh wow... I'm glad you guys are okay! Looks like that was quite a wind! Sorry about your garden.. :(

Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously!

"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Proverb Punch: When things get tough, always doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!